Transform boring old baguette into a fuss-free dessert (or breakfast) with this pumpkin bread pudding recipe!
When I’m hosting a sleepover, I make sure that my friends are fed well when they wake up. We usually continue picking at dinner leftovers from the night before, but breakfast is always better with some melted chocolate and a scoop of ice cream. Since it is a party, having bread pudding a la mode at 9am is totally reasonable!
I’m running on less than 5 hours of sleep, which is almost half my usual amount, but buzzing with happy energy from Saturday’s girls night in. We gathered in my basement to celebrate one of my best bud’s birthday in advance with fondue and sticky buns (not together though). From our pre-dinner photoshoot, to nasty pickle juice cocktails and dancing to oldies music, I can always count on my friends to keep me laughing all night long. Several hours of laughing were shared as we painted each others’ faces with a glitter mask, then setting each others’ phone wall papers to photos of our black glittery faces and bursting out into tears every time someone turned the screen on to check the time. If you need a solid laughing therapy session, I highly suggest gathering your bffs together to do Glam Glow face masks. It’s impossible to take any star glitter-covered face seriously. Ridiculous face masks are probably going to be a sleepover staple starting now.
All that laughing left us too tired to have a 2am heart-to-heart chat and we fell asleep right away. We make sure we put the ‘sleep’ in ‘sleepover’. Fortunately, we already keep each other very updated about our lives and don’t need to rely on sleepovers to talk about feelings. My girl gang is honestly #goals and I’m grateful I can rely on them any and every day.
Most of us have internal alarms that wake us up absurdly early so we were all awake by the time it was 9am. Since it was cold, we huddled around cups of tea and dug into this pumpkin bread pudding studded with melted chocolate chips. This bread pudding is so cozy and comforting; I love the crunchy top that contrasts the custard-y middle. And all of this was achieved without a single drop of milk or eggs! Serve it with some non-dairy vanilla ice cream and a generous drizzle of sticky, golden Cinnamon bumble bloom for the most delicious dessert or breakfast of the season!
Visit bumble bloom for the full recipe

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