This vegan blueberry muffin smoothie brings two breakfast staples into one delicious smoothie that’ll fuel your morning!
September feels more like a fresh start than January. Likely because I’m still a student and each school year brings about its changes. Change can be unnerving, but at the same time exciting. This is the first year where I don’t have a clear picture of where I will be 8 months down the road. I’m learning to live life one step at a time and each morning comes with the opportunity to make a stride in the direction of my choosing.
Recipe for success? Start the day with a smoothie and counting your blessings!
I admit that some days I wake up cranky and stubbornly insist on staying grumpy for the rest of the day. Uncertainty makes me anxious; my stomach ties itself into knots and my brain continuously reminds me of all the possible cons. Cassey tells her fans that whens she’s feeling demoted, she runs through a list of her achievements to bring her mood back up. The mind is powerful; it can pull you down or boost you up. Starting the day with gratefulness can give you the confidence to slay the day. Make everyday thanksgiving day! Even if pumpkin pie is not involved.
So what kinds of things am I thankful for?
First and foremost, my friends. The ones that have been by my side since childhood and high school, and the ones that have crossed paths in university. Making friends outside of a school setting can be tough, as some of my older friends have expressed. I’m eternally grateful that my girl gang has made the effort to keep up with each other despite being on opposite sides of the country. When other aspects of life are unsure, it’s comforting to be sure about reliable friends having your back. We can pick up exactly where we left of 4 months ago, surpassing all the surface level chat and getting right to the deep soul-stirring topics. We stumble through life’s turbulence together, go through difficult times with a whole pep squad cheering for us, and have a team of consultants for life’s big decisions. I’ve realized we’re pretty much the same person just living life in different contexts. It’s an incredibly comforting feeling to pour your feelings and thoughts out on someone who gets you.
Secondly, having self-awareness. Knowing what I like. Having a sense of direction, even if it’s general. Most of my frustration usually stems from the fact is I know what I want to do (career-wise) but I’m not allowed to dive head-first into it; the obstacle called school is in the way. I want to get the next venture launched but I have all these restrictions around me. How is this a blessing? It is a blessing because I know what I want to pursue and where I want to invest my time, effort, and passion. As a person who likes certainty, I would choose having to be patient and wait for what I want over not knowing what I want. And for that, I am thankful.
Reminding myself of such blessings makes me more receptive to the blessings and open doors that come my way later in the day. Mornings are my favourite time of day. I can sit in the tranquility of my home, sip on a nutritious smoothie, and set up my game plan for the day. Not to say that I’m the picture of success, but the fact that I’ve gotten to where I am makes me think I must be doing something right. Smoothie and motivational thoughts must be part of the formula 😉
Can we pause for a minute and admire our friend’s adorable sunnies? They are like a real-life Snapchat filter and match this vegan blueberry muffin smoothie to a T.
A smoothie a day keeps the doctor away. I mean if it contains a variety of fruit and whole grains it probably does! I am a big advocate for having breakfast because the body performs so much better when properly fueled. A car does not function when it is out of gas. Smoothies are ideal for those that wake up juuuuuust in time to make it to class or work because it requires only a few seconds to blend and the fibre will keep you feeling full. This blueberry muffin smoothie is also perfect for a pre-workout meal, especially if you exercise first thing in the morning like I do. Kids will love this smoothie because duh, it tastes like a muffin!
If you’re looking to build better breakfast habits, start with this smoothie. We have other smoothie recipes to keep your smoothie game interesting:
- Almond Butter Fig Smoothie Parfait
- Pineapple Matcha Smoothie
- Green Smoothie Bowl (this one is my favourite!)
- Watermelon Basil Smoothie
- Peach Melba Smoothie Bowl
- Neapolitan “Milk”shake
- 1 to 1¼ cup unsweetened non-dairy milk (we like almond)
- ½ cup fresh or frozen blueberries
- 1 banana, fresh or frozen
- ¼ cup oats
- A dash of cinnamon
- Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. If using frozen ingredients, add ¼ cup more milk to assist blending.
- Serve cold and enjoy!

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