Saint Patrick’s Day falls on our blogiversary every year, so we have never made a recipe for this holiday before! Lucky for you, today we present you a green macro bowl that will help you fuel up for this special day. We are bringing up St. Paddy’s day to a new level… with veggie patties (;
This was a super easy recipe to whip up because my mom had made some pesto beforehand that I fortunately found in the fridge. You can use any store-bought pesto, or make your own! Pesto pasta has always been my childhood favourite, and I can be one to vouch that my mom makes the most flavourful, amazing pesto… using pine nuts as the base and fresh basil from the farmers market, what can go wrong?
This bowl can be customized to what you already have in your fridge! If you have zucchini instead of kale, use that! And if you have watermelon radish instead of avocado, use those instead! Results would still yield a dang delicious bowl of nutritious goodness. Who says patties have to be served between buns, and pesto is only for pasta & pizza? Nope, there are no rules around here. Whatever tastes good goes.
Weirdest/most unfortunate food combinations I’ve ever tried include corn and oatmeal (yes savoury oatmeal is actually pretty good!), carrots with ketchup (yup… don’t ask. This is what happens when you live alone and are on a student budget), and weetabix cereal with water (yes, I have gone there. Almond milk outage is a thing). There are probably a lot more, so I sometimes wonder how I even run a food blog. Baffles me on a daily basis how sloppy I am with my meals when life gets busy (steamed kale with tomato pasta sauce, zucchini noodles with the same pasta sauce, actual pasta with the same pasta sauce, nut butter toast, avocado toast, rice with raw chopped veggies, roasted root veggies, spirulina oatmeal, blueberry oatmeal, whatever-frozen-fruit-I-have oatmeal… these are all real-life examples of my day-to-day meals. Very glamorous I know (;
I have really gone off the topic of St. Patrick’s Day, but that’s because I don’t really know much about it other than the fact I used to wear all green on March 17th of every year back in elementary school. But that’s about the extent of my knowledge. This year I’ll celebrate this day with a veggie patty bowl exactly like this one, but I hope you have a great day filled with plenty of leprechaun charm and find your pot of gold!
- 1 c. rice, uncooked and divided*(SEE NOTE)
- ½ c. lentils, uncooked
- 2 tsp. olive oil
- 1 onion, sliced
- 2 large carrots, chopped finely
- 2 handfuls of kale, chopped
- Kale, sautéed
- Avocado
- 1-2 tbsp. pesto
- Preheat oven to 300F.
- For the patties, cook rice in one pot and lentils in another. Once both are cooked, add ½ c. of the rice and lentils to a high speed binder or food processor.
- In a saucepan over medium high heat, add in olive oil.and onions and sauté until the onions are beginning to caramelize. Add in the chopped carrots, and kale.
- Once all the veggies are cooked, add everything to the blender or food processor along with the rice and lentils, and give it a whirl until mixture is easily moldable into patties. Don't overtax because you don't want it to be super mushy.To cook the patties,
- Panfry the patties using medium heat until the exterior is brown, then transfer them to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. I baked these for 10-15 minutes in the oven until the interior has completely cooked. You can also just bake them at 350F if you don't want to go through panfrying them first, but you'll have to leave them in the oven for longer.
- Once patties are done, mix the leftover cooked rice with pesto and assemble the bowl to your liking!

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