Parmesan + Chocolate. One savoury. One sweet. Combined together? Utter bliss.
I was surfing the web the other day looking at strange flavour combinations that people actually found to be tasty, and came upon parmesan cheese and chocolate. This really popped in my mind, and reminded me of the Nutella grilled cheese sandwiches my mom used to make me as my after school snack. Yes, perhaps I wasn’t exactly superiorly healthy back then… but we gotta eat what momma feeds us right? Especially when she serves chocolate with cheese as a snack.
I think the reason why my mom invented this weird grilled cheese concoction was because of our family’s family-sized jar of Nutella that neither my sister and I were really into eating. The jar would sit on the kitchen counter for months, with only a few lucky tablespoons that were put into use. To be very honest, our kitchen is very small, with no island or walk-in pantry, so even a jar of Nutella becomes a waste of counter space. To get rid of the jar, my mom had to think of ways to use up that chocolatey spread before its expiration date. Of course, everyone feels ravenous after school (I hope it’s not just me, or this would be an awkward assumption), especially after a long day of running around and using up brain power. Because my parents involved me in many extra curricular activities to keep me busy during the weekdays, they always brought me snacks from home to eat in the car before getting dropped off to piano lesson or whatever else they’d enrolled me in. One of the snacks I remember very well was my mom’s grilled chocolate mozzarella sandwich on sourdough bread. The bread was toasted with our panini grill, and the chocolate spread melted nicely into the mozzarella cheese. Sinfully perfect, I must say.
When these cookies were baking in the oven, my house smelled of cream puffs. I’m not sure why, but these cookies smells like cream puff pastry, and taste a little like them too. Do you know that feeling when you’ve finished eating dinner and craving your dessert, and you have your dessert then later want something savoury again to soothe the intense sweetness? If you understood that long run-on sentence-question, you do understand. Well, these cookies will satisfy your cravings for something sweet, without making you thirsty for something savoury afterwards. So it’s a win-win situation here.
Upon my first taste test of these cookies, I literally bombarded Leung with text messages, including:
You’d think these cookies require much time and effort to make, but one bowl and 30 minutes are all they take! So make them and enjoy these angelic bites of heaven! (look, they are angels!)
These cookies are entered in WON the EatInEatOut’s 3rd Annual Christmas in July Cookie Contest! Check out their Christmas cookie spread in the Holiday 2014 issue. We, and six other bloggers, are featured on starting on page 42!
- ½ c. coconut oil
- 1 tbsp. honey
- 1 egg
- 1 egg yolk
- 1 tsp. vanilla
- 1½ c. all purpose flour
- ¼ tsp. salt
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- ½ tsp. salt
- 1½ tsp. cornstarch
- 1 c. parmesan cheese
- ½ c. dark chocolate chunks
- Prepare your cookie sheet with parchment paper.
- In a large bowl, cream your coconut oil and honey together until smooth. Add in the egg, egg yolk, and vanilla. Cream mixture together until fluffy and light in colour, about one minute.
- Add in the flour, salt, baking powder, salt, and cornstarch. Mix until dough forms.
- Add in the parmesan and chocolate chips.
- Roll dough into round cookie dough balls, around 3-4 cm in diameter (or any size you like).
- Put your cookie dough balls on your prepared cookie sheet, 1-2 inches apart, and transfer to the fridge for 30 minutes.
- Preheat your oven to 350 F.
- After 30 minutes of chilling, transfer the cookies to the oven and bake for 22-24 minutes.
- Once baked, transfer to wire rack to cool.

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