This mango lime chia seed pudding brings the best of the tropics into your home!
We partnered up with our friend Penny from Walnut Trees for a virtual spring brunch! This weekend I’m bringing these tropical chia seed puddings to the party and Penny made these vegetarian breakfast pies. Ya’ll are in for a real treat because that girl makes some deliciously cheesy goodies!
But in true Radiant Rachels fashion, we eat dessert first.
Last weekend we went on an overnight snowshoe trek that was another adventure for the books. We left Vancouver the day of a snowfall warning and watched the snow get heavier and heavier as we drove north along the Sea to Sky highway. The snow really started to pick up during our lunch break at the first hut, which is about one third of the way to the second hut where we were staying. Mother Nature was truly relentless and the rest of the trek was absolutely brutal. The sideways snow and icy winds beat on our faces as we tried to scurry from one orange trail marker to the next. To be completely honest, it was mainly because we realized we should’ve worn our snow pants too late in the game. With just a pair of leggings on, it was no surprise we were literally freezing to (near) death. No amount of physical activity could bring our body temperatures up past freezing. But the thought of having to stop in the middle of the trail to unbuckle our snowshoes, untie our boots, dig through our backpacks to find our snow pants, and put everything back on sounded so much more cold than just powering onward. Mother Nature is not a force to reckon with. We were thiiiiis close to loosing several fingers and toes that day.
The entire time all I could think about was sitting in my hot yoga studio or laying on some tropical beach. In that moment I wondered why I would spend my reading week stuck in a blizzard in the back country rather than going to Hawaii. The next morning answered my query.
I set my alarm for 6:30am hoping to catch a spectacular sunrise. And spectacular it was. Mother Nature went from mercilessly cruel to stunningly beautiful overnight. The skies completely cleared to reveal the surrounding mountains. It was as if the hut was Dorothy’s house and the blizzard transported the hut to the Land of Oz, a different world. We stood around with other campers waiting for the sun to peak out from behind the mountain range and snapped lots of photos as the sky glowed pink. All the resentment I had from the cruel weather the day before faded as we were rewarded with the sunrise of my dreams. Needless to say, I was in good spirits for the rest of the day. I swear I’m solar powered; happy when the sun is out, gloomy when it isn’t.
Well maybe you’re like us and live in a place where glimpses of the sun is rare in the winter. Fear not because we have a way for you to bring the sunshine indoors!
Even one spoonful of this mango lime chia seed pudding will transport your taste buds to the tropics. I was totally reminded of the time we spent $6 USD on a single mango in Honolulu. It was the best mango I’ve ever had in my life and I don’t regret spending that money at all. One of our best friends came over to taste test this chia pudding recipe and could not stop raving about how good it was and how much she felt like she had a spoon of Hawaii in her mouth (she was on that trip with us!) Right after eating it she started to scour the internet for more chia pudding ideas because we convinced her chia pudding is literally the perfect breakfast for busy people. (Overnight oats are just as perfect.)
If you have never tried chia seed pudding before, you have come to the right place. If you have eaten chia seed pudding 133581075 times before, you are also in the right place. This mango lime version will turn everyone into chia pudding fanatics. The fact that it’s so dang easy to make is only secondary to its taste.
So go out and find yourself a few ripe mangoes (ataulfo is the variety we recommend) and make this mango lime chia pudding pronto!
- 6 tbsp chia seeds
- 1 cup coconut milk*
- 1 cup non-dairy milk (we like almond or cashew)
- 2 tbsp maple syrup
- Juice and zest of 1 lime
- A pinch of sea salt
- 3 mangoes
- Toppings (optional): Toasted coconut, coconut cream, chopped macadamia nuts, etc.
- In a small mixing bowl or a container with a lid, whisk together chia seeds, milks, maple syrup, lime juice and zest, and salt until evenly combined. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes or overnight to allow chia seeds to expand and gelatinize.
- When chia seed pudding has gelatinized, puree mango in a blender. Layer mango puree with chia seed pudding in serving jars and top with desired toppings. Enjoy right away or refrigerate for up to 4 days.

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