We have an exciting fundraiser to share with you involving an orphanage in Uganda and … holiday banana bread!
Do you LOVE (vegan) banana bread? Do you want to GIVE BACK this holiday season? If you are one of our Vancouver readers, you’re in for a treat today! Many of our readers have expressed interest in trying our baked goodies, and with this announcement you just may be able to! Read on to see what we have up our sleeves!
As the holidays are approaching, meeting deadlines, holiday shopping, flying out to see family and friends, all while trying to keep up with day-to-day tasks makes the holidays seem a little daunting, and as a student myself, it’s so easy to be so occupied with everything else going on in our lives that we can often forget about other important issues that exist on opposite sides of the world. During my first few years in university, I found myself being so occupied with my own life, my own problems, and my own workload that I felt myself distancing from projects like this that were important to me prior to this chapter of my life. I can’t wait to start up this initiative again and we most definitely need your help to make this come to life!
This project that we’re sharing with you all today is LOaVEs for the Holidays! We will be baking and taking orders for holiday-inspired banana bread for Barb’s Home of Angels in Jinja, Uganda, with 100% of the money going directly to Barbara and her cause.
Our selection of loaves available are:
2.) Salted Chocolate Rosemary Loaf
3.) Gingerbread Loaf
4.) Chocolate-Orange Loaf
All our loaves are banana-based, which means that they are low in oil and refined-sugars without sacrificing taste! Since our flavour variations mask the banana flavour, we decided to just call them “loaves” instead of banana bread.
All of the loaves are 100% plant-based and vegan friendly, but if you have other dietary restrictions but would still love to order, please do not hesitate to inquire and email us through our email: radiantrachels[at]gmail.com
We are asking a minimum donation of $12 per 9×5 inch (large) loaf, and to be completely honest with you guys, I am so so proud of these recipes, and I know you would all love these loaves as much as I do! It’s just a bonus that not only are you getting a yummy homemade loaf of bread, you can feel good about making a difference in these kids’ lives! #DoGoodFeelGood am I right?
If you are one of our international readers and want to support the cause, you still can do so by donating on our main fundraising page here. Thank you so much for supporting this amazing cause, despite us being unable to personally thank you by sending you a loaf.
If you’re in and around the Vancouver/Tri-Cities area, you’re in luck because you’ll be able to receive a loaf with your donation! All our laoves will be baked to-order fresh from our own kitchen.
This specific fundraiser (with holiday-inspired loaves) will be ongoing beginning November 12th through the holiday season. Loaf order form (found on the donation page) closes on December 22nd but general donations will continue to be accepted into the new year.
I think that this is a great incentive for everyone to do a little good (while receiving a little good as well) this holiday season! These loaves make beautifully delicious gifts that capture the true meaning of giving; they are gifts that keep on giving!
More information regarding the cause and the fundraiser, and to donate can be found here.
Thank you so much to everyone taking the time to read this post, and just remember that nothing would be possible without your help and kind hearts. We hope that you can stand by us and help us spread the word about this initiative. Loaf by loaf, we can make a really beautiful & astounding difference to these kids’ lives! Enjoy your loaves!
Loads of LOaVEs & hugs,
Rachel Chew & Rachel Leung

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